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[SOLVED] Mumble Server View on Website


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Hi there.

I was wondering if its possible to have a box in a website displaying the "Whos on the Mumble Server" like in TS. Showing whos on, whos off, what server, button to start Mumble and go directly to server... that kind of stuff. This would be extremely handy for me.

Thanks and sorry if its not the right section to post this; I wasnt too sure. ;)

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now i don't know if this guy is like me (the OP, that is), but i'm a stupid guy. i run a clan of gamers and we know how to kick ass, and that is it. we don't know how to do anything else, especially run voice chat servers. i use for my mumble hosting, because that's who i always used for ventrilo and other server hosting solutions, etc. now, they tell me that all the web-viewer widgets (for lack of a better term) require a lot of server side configuration, which they are not willing to do, notably the installation of ice. and i can't really see how the web interfaces would help out here at all. what i need is something like what you see on, where their ventrilo server is monitored. is there anything like that out there?


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For a Mumble-Hoster they don't need to install anything different to enable Ice and make it call-able from other hosters.

They'd just have to enable Ice in Mumble/Murmur and specify the ip, port and icesecret Ice should listen on.

And they surely could do that!

Then you still need a webspace/hoster for your website who can call Ice though. And that one needs php with ice extension or python with ice lib or something the like, depending on what kind of app you want to run to display a viewer/monitor/interface.

A desktop-client which connects through Ice is also imaginable.

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what does "just install a global script on this server and include the channelviewer from this script with an iframe." mean?

seriously, treat me like i am very dumb, mainly because i am when it comes to this. i know how to copy and paste embed codes and such, which is how i got my ventrilo viewer in there, but it was provided from elsewhere. choose colors, copy paste, that's like heaven to me. now about the following:

"They'd just have to enable Ice in Mumble/Murmur and specify the ip, port and icesecret Ice should listen on."

is this an ini file they could open?


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or just install a global script on this server and include the channelviewer from this script with an iframe.

Which would, at least for PHP, require more setup on the hosters side, which he said, they wouldn't do.

Same for python with django…


"They'd just have to enable Ice in Mumble/Murmur and specify the ip, port and icesecret Ice should listen on."

is this an ini file they could open?


Yes, that's an ini setting in the Murmur.ini (Mumble Server ini)

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The murmur.ini file has a line

#ice="tcp -h -p 6502"


Just uncomment it to

ice="tcp -h -p 6502"

and change the ip and port appropriately you/they want it to listen on.

As of 1.2.2 there's also


which should be set to something to secure the connection with a password (with icesecret we don't need Glacier2, the Ice firewall, anymore).



or sth.

Then you can make your scripts call ice via the IP + Port (with the appropriate pw).

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