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Mumble client on RPi, shortcut problems


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I'm running the Mumble client on an Raspberry Pi and it work great. I now want to use Mumble to make an intercom system and I want to access the shortcuts (PTT, volume, etc) from external switches connected to the GPIO. I'm using python to send the keycodes I need but the Mumble client does not react on them at all. The interesting thing is that I can open all the menus on the client, I can send up and down (eg. walk thru all the menus and send enter och open) from my python script but it does not react on any of my shortcuts. I have tried the same script on a Ubuntu 13.10 system and there it works perfectly so this seems to be a issue only on the RPi.

Here is my python code:


import subprocess, os, time, pykeyboard

os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0.0'
subprocess.Popen('XAUTHORITY=/home/pi/.Xauthority DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xdotool search --onlyvisible --name Mumble windowactivate', shell=True)

k = pykeyboard.PyKeyboard()


I have logged the keystrokes with xev and the local keyboard and my script are identical. Do you have any ideas on what could be the problem?

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