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Help with MuMo?


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Im not sure were to put this but im trying to install mumo on a brand new debian server.

I have mumble installed along with PHP5, Ice, apache2, and python.

If i check the mumble-server log it is connecting with Ice and i can see the Ice version on the PHPinfo page.

I am following the instructions here.

when i get to setp 7 and actually run the mumo script i get the following message.


Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 34, in <module>
   import Ice
ImportError: No module named Ice


Anyone have any ideas, im new to linux and really to most of this so any help is greatly appreciated.

Also i am looking for a good web GUI for mumble server administration (hence the php installation) if anyone knows of a good one.



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Did you install python-zeroc-ice?

Note that Ice is segregated by language, so it working in PHP is not good enough to indicate that all the packages are installed for Python.

Full disclosure: I used to run a commercial Mumble host, and my opinions do not reflect the opinions of the Mumble project.

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The include path in use when executing does not seem to be correct.

Check where the python-zeroc-ice package installs files to, specifically the Ice file/folder.

Then check where to put the include path.

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I've been messing around with this.

I wasn't able to find the location of ICE and even re installed it trying to find where the files got unpacked to no luck. But then i looked at the instructions i linked above and wondered why i needed another user for all the mumo stuff so i just tried to run the script with my root and it seems to get further . . .

Now im not getting an import ice error but am getting this error.

-! 04/18/15 17:50:20.625 warning: unknown property: `Ice.Default.EncodingVersion'

and here is the block of code from the


   #--- Moderator implementation
   #    All of this has to go in here so we can correctly daemonize the tool
   #    without loosing the file descriptors opened by the Ice module

   debug('Initializing Ice')
   initdata = Ice.InitializationData() = Ice.createProperties([],
   for prop, val in cfg.iceraw:, val)'Ice.ImplicitContext', 'Shared')'Ice.Default.EncodingVersion', '1.0')
   initdata.logger = CustomLogger()

   ice = Ice.initialize(initdata)
   prxstr = 'Meta:tcp -h %s -p %d' % (,
   prx = ice.stringToProxy(prxstr)

   if not




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I had a buddy help me get things going.

We had everythign working fine then all of a sudden we get this error in the mumo.log file.


2015-04-21 04:15:20,755 INFO idlemove 565s > 60s: State transition for user TheRev (51/-1) from mute False -> True / deaf False -> False | channel 5 -> 20 on server 1
Exception in thread Thread-29:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner
 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 760, in run
   self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
 File "modules/", line 109, in handleIdleMove
   self.UpdateUserAutoAway(server, user)
 File "modules/", line 188, in UpdateUserAutoAway
 File "/tmp/", line 1908, in setState
InvalidChannelException: exception ::Murmur::InvalidChannelException


It looks like the script is running and firing and when it tried to move a user it then throws this exception. I noted it says invalid channel but i checked and in the idlemove.ini we have it set to move users to channel 20 which is what the position of our AFK channel shows in mumble.

Anyone have any ideas?



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